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Early farming methods caused climate change, say researchers

"Farmers thousands of years ago cleared land by burning forests and moved to a new area once the yields declined, say scientists"

Category: Climate Change


High hopes for global warming satellite after first probe plunged into the Arctic Ocean

"It was rated one of the most damaging setbacks to hit the study of global warming: on 8 October, 2005, a £100m probe designed to measure ice thickness at the poles plunged into the Arctic ocean minutes after launch"

Category: Climate Change, Space


India's unsustainable lesson

"Nasa's just-released finding that water tables in the northwest of India are falling by about 4cm (1.6in) per year is a striking microcosm of the unsustainable strain that modern societies are putting on the Earth's natural...

Category: Climate Change


New exoplanet orbits 'backwards'

"Astronomers have discovered the first planet that orbits in the opposite direction to the spin of its star."

Category: Space


Early toolmakers were 'engineers'

"Early modern humans in South Africa were using "heat treatment" to improve their stone tools about 72,000 years ago, according to new research."

Displaying results 1046 to 1050 out of 2977